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English conversation programs with native-speaking professors



The CheongDae Times Cub reporter Ahyeon Oh.



Our school operates various comparison programs to improve English proficiency and strengthen global capabilities. One of the most popular programs is the English conversation program with a native-speaking professor. The English conversation program is divided into face-to-face and non-face-to-face methods, and you can receive 800 points of competency mileage when participating in a face-to-face program and 200 points when participating in a non-face-to-face one-on-one conversation program.


The program is operated regularly every semester, and students can learn according to their skills through courses at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. Classes are based on various weekly topics and focus on improving English vocabulary, grammar, and conversational skills comprehensively through group activities and one-on-one conversation. The second-semester program will run for a total of five weeks from Nov. 4 (Mon.) to Dec. 6, 2024, with free tuition. Applications can be made at the school portal Edelweiss.

Poster for recruiting foreign language comparison program students / Photo: School website


Interviews were conducted to listen to the vivid experiences of students who participated in such a program and to find out the advantages and effects of the program in detail. The following is an interview between Kim Min-young and Ko Eun-hye, 24th graders in the Department of Aviation Service.


Q: What made you participate in this program?

A: I came to participate because I wanted to improve my English conversation skills. I didn't usually have many opportunities to have conversations in English, but in this program, I was able to practice speaking consistently through group activities and 1:1 conversation.


Q: How does the program usually go about it?

A: The professor chooses a topic every week and conducts 1:1 conversation and group activities at the same time. We exchanged questions and answers in English to practice the conversation, and when there was a grammar error during the conversation, the professor corrected it immediately so that we could learn the correct expression.


Q: What activity or content did you find most beneficial?

A: The activities of learning vocabulary and expressions through games were the most memorable. I was able to learn English naturally and learn it fun while playing games.


Q: How much do you think your English conversation skills have improved through the program?

A: I have become able to use more grammatically accurate sentences and the diversity of expressions has increased. The reduction in fear of speaking English is a big change.


Q: How does the professor conduct the program?

A: The professor chooses a topic every week and prepares questions that fit that topic. The conversation is conducted randomly in pairs, and the professor helps on the side. It is especially beneficial to explain difficult expressions or to help continue the flow of the conversation.


Q: What is the biggest achievement or change from this program?

A: I've been focusing on listening to and reading English, but my English conversation skills have improved a little bit as I tried to have an in-person conversation. Above all, I gained confidence that I can have a conversation in English.

Q: How do you use what you learned in this program in real life or other learning activities?

A: If you get a job at an airline later, you will be able to communicate smoothly with passengers by using the English expressions you learned at this time. I think you have gained useful experience in actual work.


Q: Did you gain confidence in using English after participating in the program?

A: It's not perfect yet, but I have the mindset to actively try it in a situation where I have to talk in English. I think it will be useful in real life if you use the conversation skills learned in the program.


Q: Are you willing to participate in this program again next time?

A: Of course, I want to participate. I didn't have many opportunities to talk in English, but I liked that I was able to have such opportunities through this program. Also, it seems that the fact that we offer high mileage as a reward stimulates the desire to take classes again.


This program not only improves English skills but also instills confidence by developing conversation skills that can be applied in real life. Students can learn vocabulary and expressions through various topics and reduce their fear of communicating in English.


In particular, the learning effect can be further maximized when combined with other English learning programs run by the school. Step-by-step TOEIC courses provide opportunities to systematically learn from basic to advanced levels, and OPIC course programs can strengthen English speaking skills, which are practically helpful for employment. You can also organize what you have learned during the semester through a special lecture on English review or participate in an intensive TOEIC program during vacation to achieve your target score within a short period.


Our school's various English learning programs provide a foothold for students to grow into global talents. If you select a program that suits your skills and needs and continue to participate, you will be able to acquire useful English skills in both employment and real life.


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