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제목 [No.237 Capmus story] A new choice for the future of our university!
카테고리 CampusStory

A new choice for the future of our university!



The CheongDae Times regular Reporter Jong-Woo Han



For the elections held at our school on November 27 and 28, 2024, election campaigns and policy briefing sessions of the student council and universities were actively held. First of all, the 58th student council's election campaign headquarters "The Fighting" was mainly held in front of our school's middle door and Shinhan Bank, as well as in other buildings. In addition, the candidate's policy briefing session also explained the policy to our school students through Instagram live broadcasts.


Choi Bong-hyuk, a 21st major in architectural engineering, and Choi Jae-hyuk, a 20th major in sports rehabilitation, ran for vice president. The pledge of "The Fighting" is to upgrade the preliminary course application site first. Second, he said he would create a "Relax Day" so that weekdays sandwiched between public holidays and weekends during the semester could be designated as school holidays so that an efficient holiday period could be secured. Third, he pledged to brand our university by producing various goods using our university's logo and mascot. In addition, they promised to repair each building in our school, such as Wi-Fi and air conditioner replacement, and promised to fill the gaps in each college and university building.


The most eye-catching pledge of "The Fighting" is to strengthen the competitiveness of the tuition review committee compared to other universities, resolve questions about students' tuition calculation standards, and come up with appropriate tuition fees. In addition, by introducing a scholarship notification system, the schedule, such as the current timing and application method of the scholarship, will be announced to ease the information gap that may arise due to the lack of information on the scholarship.

Election campaign poster for 'Fighting’

candidacy for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences was run by Jang Sung-won, a 20th grader in intellectual science, and Choi Min-jeong, a 22nd grader in the Department of Newspapers and Broadcasting, as a vice candidate. The election campaign headquarters of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences is called 'Gaehwa.' It means "youths who will be in full bloom with one heart." "Gaehwa" pledged to secure a learning space by installing various convenience facilities for students of humanities and social studies colleges, producing group uniforms unique to humanities and social studies colleges, holding futsal leagues, creating regular inspections and inspection diaries for illegal filming in toilets, attaching anti-dark stickers on the back entrance stairs, and opening classrooms during the exam period.

Humanities and Social Studies University 'Gaehwa' during the policy briefing session


Ahn Jae-hwan, a 20-year-old sports rehabilitation student, and Kim Ji-won, a 23-year-old physical therapy student, ran for candidate in the campaign headquarters of the College of Health and Medical Sciences. As a pledge, 'Dohae' promised to establish a stop at the University of Health and Medical Sciences, open a study room for 'Dohae', produce a group windbreaker at the University of Health and Medical Sciences, reorganize food intake spaces, install toilet air fresheners and dispensers, and hold futsal table tennis tournaments.



'Dohae' of the campaign headquarters of the College of Health and Medical Sciences

Unlike other colleges and universities, the business college created a confrontation structure with two teams participating. No. 1 "pado" and No. 2 "gongmyong" ran for office. "pado" was run by Choi Hyun-ki, a hotel restaurant management major, and Shin Sang-won, a tourism management major, In Gongmyeong, candidate Park Tae-young, a 20th grader in accounting, and Oh Seung-joon, a 19th grader in economics and commerce, ran for candidate.


‘pado’ promised to repair toilets, install air fresheners inside elevators, expand rental items such as auxiliary batteries, blankets, umbrellas, and emergency medicines, cooperate with certificate academies to obtain smooth certificates for students, and hold snack sharing events during the test period.


Resonance No. 2 ‘gongmyeong’ made promises such as establishing a "spec-up matchup" that can match group studies with students who want to acquire certificates through interviews with students and graduates who have obtained certificates, provide products when acquiring certificates, and paying volunteer hours through environmental beautification activities with ‘gongmyeong’


At the engineering college, "Miracle" ran. Choi Won-seok, a 20th grader in architectural engineering, and Shin Seung-yeop, a 20th gradeMiracle has made various pledges, such as conducting volunteer projects with classmates, submitting photos of food taken by affiliates every month, presenting movie tickets, and establishing an alliance platform dedicated to engineering colleges to provide various discounts and benefits.r in electronic engineering, ran for vice president.


Kim Kwang-soo, a 20-year-old candidate of the Department of Industrial Design, ran for the art college's "yeching," while Kwon Yoon-seo, a 22-year-old candidate of the Department of Craft Design, ran for vice candidate. ‘yeching’ promised to provide emergency medicines, rent goods systems, improve the bathroom environment, partner with Andeokbal stores, add printers, improve streetlight lighting at art colleges, and upload promotional videos.


The student council and university candidates who promised these various pledges were elected with a majority in the elections held on November 27 and 28, 2024. The business college was elected with the number two, Gongmyeong’. Even though the fact that the vote was held online, all colleges and universities except engineering colleges saw more than 50 percent of the vote. From this point of view, it is seemed that our university students are still constantly interested in our school.


Announcement of the election schedule for the 58th student council for the 2025 academic year

In addition, voting was conducted by departments at each college and university. I think it was a good opportunity to remind our university students of democratic citizenship through voting and to know the situation of our university. It is also meaningful in that this vote extracted wonderful talents who lead our school in 2025.


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