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제목 [No.237 Special] Business College Parking Space and Illegal Parking
카테고리 Special

Business College Parking Space and Illegal Parking



Regular reporter Hoseok An



Our university has eight colleges: the College of Business, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the College of Engineering, the College of Education, the College of Arts, the College of Health and Medical Sciences, the College of Liberal Arts, and the Department of Direct Education. Therefore, many students and many professors attend our university. As many students and professors attend school, the number of people driving their own cars is gradually increasing.


Among the colleges of our university, the College of Business has the most students and uses the same building as the professor’s research lab. In other words, it has the most cars. The parking lot of the College of Business is located on the basement level of the building. There is space for many cars to park, but most cars are not enough to park, so there are more and more cases of illegal parking on the street.


In addition, the parking lot of the College of Business was currently under construction last semester, and about 10 parking spaces have disappeared. Therefore, there are many cases of illegal parking because it cannot accommodate so many cars.

This is what the parking lot of the Business College looks like. / Photo provide by Hosoek An


The photo above is the current parking lot of the Business College, and you can see private cars illegally parked. This is a fatal flaw because not only is there not enough parking space, but anyone can park illegally. In the case of private cars, you must park within the parking lines, and you must not park outside the parking lines.


This is a picture of private cars illegally parked on the street in front of the Business College. / Phicture provide by Hosoek An


The photo above shows cars parked on the street right in front of the Business College due to a lack of parking spaces. Many cars park on the street because there are not enough spaces inside the parking lot. This means that cars are driving on the narrow streets, and furthermore, it can endanger the safety of students. Recently, illegal parking stickers have been attached to target such illegal parking, but it seems that they are not being enforced as much as before.

This is a picture of a car illegally parked on the street in front of the Business College. / Phicture provide by Hosoek An


Therefore, I think that we need to expand the parking space or crack down more actively on illegal parking to secure parking space for students and their cars. Or we need to make better use of the parking space in front of the liberal arts college to make more effort in ensuring the safety of students and professors.



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