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제목 [No.237 Campus story] ROTC of Our University Successfully Holds the 51st Cheongmu Festival
카테고리 CampusStory

ROTC of Our University Successfully Holds the 51st Cheongmu Festival



The CheongDae Times Senior Reporter Ye-seul Jang



Scenes from the 2024 51st Cheongmu Festival / Source: Kyosu News (http://www.kyosu.net)


Our University (President Kim Yoon-bae) ROTC successfully held the 51st Cheongmu Festival at Marcia Hall in the Merida Convention Center, Cheongju, on the afternoon of November 26. Approximately 200 people attended the event, including President Kim Yoon-bae, 137 ROTC alumni, cadets from the 63rd and 64th classes, and their partners. The Cheongmu Festival is an annual event organized by the ROTC, where alumni and current students gather to interact and celebrate the achievements of the ROTC.


This year’s Cheongmu Festival focused on celebrating the ROTC’s outstanding accomplishments. The ROTC recently produced two elite soldiers in the Army Special Forces, gaining recognition, and has been rated as the highest level in the Ministry of National Defense’s ROTC university evaluation for the past seven years. The ROTC was also recognized as an outstanding unit by the Army Headquarters and was selected as the most elite ROTC unit in the Army’s comprehensive evaluation.


During the event, President Kim Yoon-bae expressed his encouragement and gratitude to the ROTC members, saying, "We are proud of the excellent achievements of the ROTC, and I promise to continue providing full support to help us remain the best ROTC unit." He also emphasized that the accomplishments were made possible through the efforts of both the cadets and the alumni.


A significant aspect of this year’s Cheongmu Festival was the scholarship donation from the 63rd alumni to the current students. The 63rd alumni donated a total of 12 million KRW as a scholarship fund, demonstrating their deep affection for their alma mater.


This donation is part of a tradition in which alumni contribute a certain amount from their monthly salaries to support current students, passing on their love for the school. Gu Ja-hoon, a cadet from the 64th class, said, “Through the donation from the 63rd alumni, I could really feel their love for the juniors and the tradition they have passed down. We also made a vow to continue this tradition and offer unwavering support to our juniors.”


Gu Ja-hoon, attending the Cheongmu Festival for the first time as a third-year cadet, shared that he was especially impressed by the encouragement from the alumni. He also mentioned that preparing for the talent show helped him become closer to his peers. As Gu Ja-hoon mentioned, feeling proud and happy receiving support from alumni on stage, the event provided an opportunity for cadets to bond and strengthened communication between alumni and current students.


During the event, cadets who had shown excellent performance in academic training and military training were awarded commendations from the ROTC Commander. These awards recognized the cadets' hard work and achievements. The Cheongmu Festival is not just a celebration, but also a meaningful occasion to acknowledge and encourage the efforts and passion of the ROTC members.


The Cheongmu Festival continues to be a significant event in promoting communication between alumni and current students. It serves as a time to reflect on the ROTC’s achievements and set new goals for the future.


In particular, the scholarship donation from the 63rd alumni holds great significance for the juniors. It is more than just financial support; it represents the “tradition of love” within the ROTC. Gu Ja-hoon emphasized, “Through the donation from the 63rd alumni, I truly felt the love they have for their juniors, and we made a vow to pass on that love to future generations without hesitation.”


The Cheongmu Festival also serves as an inspiration for juniors to carry on the ROTC’s proud legacy. This year’s event was deeply meaningful, marked by the love and tradition passed down by the 63rd alumni. The sincere support and encouragement from alumni are important elements of the ROTC's culture and tradition that must continue. Our University ROTC is expected to continue achieving great success while carrying forward this tradition. ROTC members are proud of their accomplishments and are ready to pursue new goals.


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