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제목 [No.237 Special] What do nursing students do in clinical practice?
카테고리 Special

What do nursing students do in clinical practice?



The CheongDae Tiems Editor-in-cheir Jin-won Seo



There are many colleges and departments in our university. Among them, the department with the most students is the nursing department of the University of Health and Medical Sciences. You can see the students of 'mint-colored uniform'. They are nursing students.


The Department of Nursing trains future health care workers. The Department of Nursing is providing education to cultivate elite nurses with the major competencies required in various health care fields at domestic and abroad. The contents of elite nurses, the vision of the Department of Nursing, are as follows.

In the first and second grades of the nursing department, they learn basic major subjects such as anatomy, pathophysiology, human development theory, and human bioethics. From the second semester of the second year to the third year, they learn major subjects such as adult health nursing, women's health nursing, child health nursing, mental health nursing, and community nursing. In addition, clinical practice starts from the third grade and runs the practice for a total of 1,000 hours until the fourth grade. And when you become a fourth grade, you will take the nurse state exam. After graduation, you will get a nurse license, and you will be qualified as a nurse.


Will all student nurses become clinical nurses after graduation? No. One of the biggest advantages of nursing departments is that they have opportunity to work in various fields after graduation.


After graduation, you can work as a clinical nurse in a hospital. After 3 years of clinical experience, you can work as a professional nurse by completing the master's program of professional nurse. In addition, you can work as a nurse in various institutions as company, rehabilitation facility, and elderly care facility.


They can also apply to nursing, health and fire-fighting officials who have nurse license can do. They can be nursing professor by going to graduate school. They can start to run nursing facilities and work out of childcare facilities, midwifery centers, and mental rehabilitation facilities. They can work as overseas nurses and activists for international health organizations and as workers at the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, Health Insurance Corporation, and Labor Welfare Corporation. At last, they can also work as workers at private companies such as pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, and external medical equipment companies.


There are many changes to choose various job, but a clinical career is very important to work as a nurse. So, many students gain experience as clinical nurses. ‘Clinical practice’ is the main curriculum for learning clinical nurse to be a clinical nurse.

On-campus practice of nursing students / Source: Department of Nursing Home Page


Nursing students in the 3rd and 4th grades leave school for 1000 hours for clinical practice and are dispatched to institutions such as hospitals and health centers to study. What do students do in practice?


Clinical practice is being conducted at Asan Hospital in Seoul, Konkuk University Hospital, Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital, National Cancer Center, Central Veterans Hospital, Chungbuk National University, Sejong Chungnam National University, Cheongju Seong-mo Hospital, and Han-kuk Hospital. Students observe the actual clinical nursing conducted by nurse at the hospital. In addition, students do some nursing under the supervision of the nurse. Vital sign measurement and blood sugar measurement are representative contents.


During the practice period, students study a lot by doing conferences and case study. Case study is a learning method that selects a patient case in clinical and conducts literature review on the patient's major diseases. Then plans nursing process to be performed on the patient and improves nursing competence.


In this way, nursing students are making efforts to become future medical personnel by conducting additional learning during practice. After completing the practice, I interviewed with the nursing student, Dayeon Kim, a nursing student in Department 22. She said "I was able to learn what is different with theory and actual clinical apearance by clinical practicing.“ In addition, "When practicing, the patient greet to me, and they are familiar with student nurse. We can build rapport and communicate a lot. It was very impressive experience."


The quota for freshmen in the nursing department in 2025 is 147, which is the largest number of students in our university. Our school keep trying to cultivate many elite nurses. It is expected that we will be able to meet elite nurse in many medical institutions, who is from our university. Curently, nursing students are worried about the medical strike. 4th grade Studentse were directly affected by employment, and students in practice are also witnessing a shortage of medical staff and ward closures due to medical strikes. I hope that the medical community will be normalized again as soon as possible to provide a good environment for nursing students to work.

14th Nightingale Oath Ceremony in 2024 Photo / Source: Cheongju University Department of Nursing Photo Gallery


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