Editor Note
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- Editor Note
제목 | [No.237 Editor note] Looking back on the activities of the Cheongdae Times in 2024 |
카테고리 | EditorNote |
Looking back on the activities of the Cheongdae Times in 2024
The CheongDae Tiems Editor-in-cheir Jin-won Seo
The year 2024 is coming to an end. The weather is getting cold and the first snow has fallen. If you look at the Christmas decorations on the street, you can feel the atmosphere of the end of the year. December, a time to end the year well and prepare for a new year. It makes people excited for some reason.
"Pleasant tremors" and "tesion" are the feeling that I felt at the first editor notes. I feel similar now, too. And it was the same in December last year.
In December of last year, I was very worried about that I took over the director. The biggest concern was 'Can I do the best?'. In addition, Also, I thought like 'I want to do it well' and 'What will the Cheongdae Times achieve, if I be a director?'. At first, I worried a lot, but when I look at the Cheongdae Times' activities this year, I think it was quite successful.
There were three "changes" and "the direction of the Cheongdae Times" needed for the 2024 Cheongdae Times, which was aimed at writing the first editor's note. 1) More covered articles covered by The Chungdae Times 2) Writing in more diverse fields of school news articles 3) Becoming a friendly media to the students
The following are the major activities and achievements of the Cheongdae Times in 2024. 1) Transition to all covered articles of the Cheongdae Times 2) More reporters from the Cheongdae Times 3) Production of the Cheongdae Times article preview card news 4) Coffee coupon event to promote Cheongdae times instagram 5) The first face-to-face snack event for promoting the Cheongdae Times 6) Increasing the number of Instagram followers of The Chungdae Times more than 100
Many changes were attempted to solve the problems of the Cheongdae Times, which had not been developed due to COVID-19. I think we have successfully achieved ‘change' of the Cheongdae Times. This year's actions of the Cheongdae Times seem to have more monumental significance because they were all first-time activities that had not been done before. Of course, it was difficult to plan and put the above activities into action. There was no set manual, so I had to make a new one. The first start was difficult, but the next one seemed to have gone smoothly. I realized that 'Take the first step, and the rest will follow'. Once I started, it became so easy to move on to the next process. The members of the Cheongdae Times also contributed greatly. As a leader, I am very grateful to be with passionate team members
All the 2024 articles were covered by interviews with many students. What was most impressive during the interviews was that there were many students in our school who were doing their best for their dream. Students practicing for band club performances, student council who prepared for several days to conduct safe school festival, and students who participated in school programs for their dreams and achieved excellent grades.
During the interview, I can't forget the eyes that were full of pride in their efforts and passion for their dreams. What I wanted, while preparing for the interview article, was to motivate other students by reading the interview and to actively participate in various school events that they needed. I hope that the passion of the students who participated in the interview was conveyed to the readers as well.
Students may think it is difficult to read our aritcles because the articles of the Cheongdae Times are written in English. But rather, since it is an article written in English, I thought that it should be treated as an interesting subject for students to lower the barriers to entry to English articles.
One of the mottoes of the Cheongdae Times is "Promoting English learning for our university students in line with the global era." Our goal is to make people want to read articles written in English by writing articles with interesting materials. You may wonder whether reading English articles will be helpful in learning English. As the director of the Cheongdae Times, I can say with confidence that it is helpful. All the materials are school news, and there are not many difficult word, so it will be easier to read than other types of writing. Reading articles of the Cheongdae Times with interest will certainly help improve your reading ability. For this reason, I hope many of your classmates will read more articles of the Cheongdae Times.
I've experienced a lot while serving as the director of the Cheongdae Times for a year. Even if I'm not the director, I'll always strive for the growth and development of the Cheongdae Times, and I'll sincerely support the future of the Cheongdae Times. I hope the Cheongdae Times will write a new story in 2025, and I'll wrap up the last editor's note in 2024. Thank you to the readers of the 2024 Cheongdae Times article, and we will be back with the first article of 2025. Thank you. |
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