청대 타임즈

Editor Note

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  • Editor Note
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제목 [No.235 Editor notes] Summer on campus
카테고리 EditorNote
Summer on campus

The CheongDae Times Editor-in-chief Jin-won Seo

Summer is coming. As June came, the scenery of the campus changed a lot. Light green leaves are becoming denser with dark green. You can see a lot of trees growing on the streets on campus. For example, in front of the school library, behind the library, and the street near the Engineering Department building to the Art Department building. Brown brick buildings such as the Cheongseok History Hall and the Student Support Center seem to be particularly harmonize with green landscape.

the street in front of the school library

I think one of the advantages of our university is that it is located in a high area. If you look down toward the main gate of the school from the high site, you can see the whole downtown of Cheongju and the sky at once. I feel refreshed, when I see the sunlit campus and sweeping view, as the sun is starting to set.

It is my third summer on campus. I realize that time has passed by season changes on the campus every year. Flowers in full bloom in spring, and trees become dense in summer. In autumn, you can see the dyed with autumn leaves. In winter, snow accumulates and people can see the snowmen made by students.
Among them, my favorite scenery of campus is the summer. 
I think the twinkling of sunlight and the green view are the same as the image of a lively youth, showing the romance of the university.

As campus’s environment is changing, the change have begun in Cheongdae times. It is published that the first article written by new trainee reporters in article No.235. When I think about when I was a trainee reporter, I was excited about writing the first article and worried what to write. This trainee reporters wrote articles with various topics.


Our university has Cheongju Campus, and Osong Campus. A trainee reporter who takes a class at Osong Campus will tell you about Osong Campus. In addition, our university students participated in the ChungcHeongbuk-do University Sports Club Competition. We covered the results of our university students’ sports club competition. Last winter vacation, the TOEIC camp was held for about a month. We also covered how the TOEIC camp was conducted.


In addition, our reporters wrote an article on the 100th anniversary of Cheongseok Academy in May and the Uam Daedongje. Major events held at our university will be shown in this 235th article. As it is the last article of this semester, we prepared more various news.

With the end of first semester of 2024, I hope your semester was a lively and beautiful time, just like the green campus.


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