Campus Story 홈 청대 타임즈 Campus Story 프린트 게시물 검색 1탑기사 날짜선택 ~ 날짜선택 검색항목선택 제목 내용 검색어 입력 총 게시물 93 개, 페이지 7 / 10 분류 카테고리 선택 EditorNote CampusStory ArticleOfCulture SocialNews Opinion Special Agora Campus Story에 대한 목록 - 번호, 제목, 파일, 조회수, 작성일 순으로 내용을 제공하고 있습니다. 번호 제목 파일 조회수 작성일 33 [No.222 Campus News] Established the Most Advanced Lecture Room Focused on Learners 4716 2021.11.16 32 [No. 221 Campus Story] Establishment of ‘Aeronautics Technology Education Center’ 4883 2021.10.15 31 [No. 221 Campus Story] Achieved A Grade in the University Innovation Support Project Evaluation. 4726 2021.10.15 30 {No. 220 Campus Story] SPEC JOB GO Certification Support Program 5150 2021.09.16 29 [No. 220 Campus Story] Our university taekwondo team has been selected as the representative of North Chungcheong Province for the National Sports Festival. 5121 2021.09.16 28 [No. 220 Campus Story] Cheong-Ju University is going to develop the cosmetic industry in North Chung-Cheong Provine 5202 2021.09.16 27 [No. 219 Campus Story] Cheongju University, Selected Evaluation and Support Projects for University Sports Team. 5512 2021.06.16 26 [No. 219 Campus Story] Cheongju University, Designated ‘Korea Institute for Local Education and Finance’ 5502 2021.06.16 25 [No. 218 Campus Story] Signed Cheong-Ju University-Korea Air Force Academy Scholarship Agreement 5602 2021.05.26 24 [No. 218 Campus Story] Established the hybrid studio. 5654 2021.05.26 이전 페이지 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 페이지